EP 45: FIN TAYLOR (Animal, City, Weapon) Comedian Fin Taylor joins Jon Richardson and Matt Forde this week to discuss his team, ‘Defense Wins Titles' as well as Chelsea's current fate and they get stuck in on more controversial subjects such as Bake Off and the pestle and
mortar.You can watch Fin’s excellent stand-up special on Youtube here:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xak4gsTFVXU&feature=youtu.be Elsewhere on the podcast Matt is forced to do another forfeit and the boys discuss Kalvin Phillips’s sartorial choices, John Terry getting papped in the supermarket by Auntie Pam, John Travolta being spotted out and about in Norwich, the time Jon got his top off in front of Matt’s dad AND we celebrate the return of ‘Improv’.Don’t forget to send us in your weekly forfeit suggestions and ideas for Matt’s end of season forfeit. We also want: Animal, City and Weapon improv suggestions and feel free to send us in any questions for Matt and Jon FPL related or not. Tweet us or email us at
hello@cpfpl.com Follow the podcast on Twitter (@comediansfpl), Instagram (ComediansplayingFPL) and Facebook (@comediansfpl)Share, subscribe, review because we told you too! You can join our FPL Fan League here:
fantasy.premierleague.com/leagues/auto-join/4mtcnh… League Code: 4mtcnh
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