Rabbit Hole Recap #195: The nation state bankruptcy wave is upon us
Publisher |
Marty Bent
Media Type |
Categories Via RSS |
Publication Date |
Apr 14, 2022
Episode Duration |

This week Marty and Matt discuss:

- Official US inflation number hits 8.5%, surges-march-6edc4545-094c-44c0-a14c-7f3dc77550f3.html">40 year high

- Sri Lanka declares bankruptcy 

- Eth Dev sentenced to over 5 years in jail for sanctions violation  

- Strike to bring lightning to merchants 

- Robinhood enables withdrawals and adds lightning support 

- Bitpay adds lightning support 

- Janet Yellen explains bitcoin 

- CNBC on bitcoin helping refugees with cross border payments 

- New bitcoin seed tool 

- New Zoltan suisse.com/shorturlpdf.html?v=51WR-8SW-V">piece 

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capital.com/the-vault-concierge-onboarding-package/">Unchained Capital



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