Pete, Russ, Robin and The Gent Set about the big PPV and Project Pisstake debates like a pack of African wild hunting dogs as they tear shreds off the sports broadcasters and the archly villainous American billionaires behind England’s two ‘megaclubs’. The agent unleashes his master plan for reform, Raymondism No.1, and we all have a nice beer or two!Please direct your complaints about any swearing (though disappointingly there wasn’t much) to Dark Star Brewery, Harvey’s Brewery, Brew Dog and (yuk!) Heineken. Thank you unkindly!@
brightonrockpodBrightonrockpodcast@gmail.comSponsored by that Seagullacious lot in the capital...
www.seagullsoverlondon.comStand or fall! UTA! And down with those dastardly villainous blighters in the North West!!!
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