In this Episode:
The long dark NZ Autumn and Winter of
2019.Aotearoa means Land of the Long White Cloud and we live up to that with high % cloud cover, including fog and only handful of sunny
days.We may be on track for what may be the lowest recorded sunshine hours whilst I've been off-grid relying on solar power.
Without much sunshine, the back up generator was used. I talk about the frequency of use, expense, a few instances that occurred.
stats.What are your favourite weather applications or resources?
Recap of events and the 2nd podversary of the Sunshine & PowerCuts podcast.
2019 Events:
May - Livestream For the Cure
June - Winter Solstice / shortest day is my favourite.
July - Orchard pruned and recap of the crop
August - 4th Sunshine Summit Livestream Event to recognize and celebrate connections & 2nd Podversary of the Sunshine & PowerCuts podcast
September - NZ Mental Health Awareness Week: Sept 23-29 & International Podcast Day: Sept 30th
Thank You to:
Podbean - for displaying a banner during the week of the August 2019 Sunshine Summit on their mobile podcast app!
To our new listeners! Welcome and thank you for coming along for this journey.
The Sunshine & PowerCuts Patrons for their continued support!We were able to secure for the Sunshine Summit livestream events, and purchase an Elgato StreamDeck which helped make the livestreams smoother.
** Special Note - our First Patron has been with us for 2 years, on September 21st 2019!! Thank you so much from the bottom of my heart.**
Links from this Episode:
PowEp021 - Under the weather
World Weather Online
7 Days of Sunshine Challenge
Sunshine Summit
International Podcast AssociationSurvey
NZ Mental Health Awareness Week - Sept 23-29th 2019
International Podcast Day - Sept 30th
The Sunshine & PowerCuts podcast:Hosted by Heather Welch
This podcast features two types of episodes which alternate.
Sunshine ones offer inspiration drawn from nature,
In PowerCut episodes like this one I share insights into my life living off the power grid.
Embark on a journey empowered by nature, then continue the conversation as part of the Sunshine & PowerCuts Community
Important Links:Website:
www.sunshineandpowercuts.comGeeks Rising:
Ways you can connect with me:Tweet me on Twitter @SunPowerPodFollow me on Instagram @SunPowerPodEmail me at
hello@sunshineandpowercuts.comLeave me a comment on Facebook @SunshineAndPowerCuts
Support the Show:To gain access to the community, extra resources and bonus episodes or to just simply support the show you can do so on cool in a Sunshine & PowerCuts t-shirt, warm up with a hoodie, take a tote bag or savour the moment with a mug from the TeeSpring Store:
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