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Potcast 104: Dogs, Cats, Horses + Cannabis
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Publication Date |
Sep 10, 2019
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I know you strive to be a highly responsible pet parent, so this VetCS cannabis counseling session includes the warnings and benefits of THC, CBD, product selection, and dosing for cats, dogs, and horses. Take a toke and listen in with your 4-legged bestie. Use Promo Code: casuallybaked for 10% off all hemp-CBD pet products at Connect on IG: @casuallybaked | @vet_cs

I know you strive to be a highly responsible pet parent, so this VetCS cannabis counseling session includes the warnings and benefits of THC, CBD, product selection, and dosing for cats, dogs, and horses. Take a toke and listen in with your 4-legged bestie. For a deeper dive and special offer from VetCS visit the Potcast 104 show notes at

I know you strive to be a highly responsible pet parent, so this VetCS cannabis counseling session includes the warnings and benefits of THC, CBD, product selection, and dosing for cats, dogs, and horses. Take a toke and listen in with your 4-legged bestie. Use Promo Code: casuallybaked for 10% off all hemp-CBD pet products at Connect on IG: @casuallybaked | @vet_cs

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