POP Ep.59: Now With More SMSG and Vitamin 3DO (Voicemail line: 713-893-8069)
Publisher |
Player One Podcast
Media Type |
Podknife tags |
Games & Hobbies
Video Games
Categories Via RSS |
Video Games
Publication Date |
Dec 10, 2007
Episode Duration |
This week, we dust off our FZ-1s and take 'em for a cruise down memory lane. That's right, we're talkin' the 3DO REAL Interactive Multiplayer. Way of the Warrior, Gex, Samurai Shodown, Twisted, Zhadnost, Total Eclipse, Crash N' Burn and more. Trade in your entire game collection, plunk down your $700 and join the club.Other games we talk about this week -- Rock Band, Halo 3, Catan, Avatar, Scene It, Uncharted, Xbox 360 Dashboard Update, Bleach, Dragon Ball Z, Godzilla, Cooking Mama 2 and more.Thanks for listening! You can leave us a voicemail comment by calling 713-893-8069 or you can send a comment via MP3 to our email address, playeronepodcast@gmail.com. Don't forget to join our forums if you haven't already! digg_url = 'http://www.digg.com/podcasts/Player_One_Podcast'; digg_bgcolor = '#FFCC99'; digg_skin = 'compact';

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