In honor of this week's release of Mario Galaxy, we spend the second segment of this episode talking about Mario games. From Super Mario Bros. on the NES to his latest adventure in space, Mario has been a mainstay in gaming since the '80s--and one of the few video game mascots to star in million-selling games across multiple console generations.But we begin the show as we always do, talking about the games we've been playing over the last week. In this case the discussion includes Lego Star Wars The Complete Saga, Switchball, Word Puzzle, Phase, Airball, Halo 3, Puzzle Quest, Blue Dragon, Guitar Hero III, Donkey Kong Barrel Blast, Need For Speed Pro Street, and the Uncharted demo.Thanks for listening! You can leave us a voicemail comment by calling
or you can send a comment via MP3 to our email address, Don't forget to join our forums if you
haven't already!This week's links:
Child's Play CharityAirballYouTube: Mario series commercialYouTube: Super Mario 2 endingYouTube: Super Mario 3 endingYouTube: Super Mario Bros Super Show intro
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