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POP Ep.190: Hold Onto Your Butts (Voicemail line: 713-893-8069) - Publication Date |
- Jun 14, 2010
- Episode Duration |
- 01:10:41
This week! Metal Gear Solid Peace Walker, Earthworm Jim HD, AlanWake (some spoilers ahead), Transformers demo, new Mortal Kombat, Dreamcast games on XBLA, Rock Band 3, E3 speculations and Telltale Games' Jurassic Park and Back to the Future games.Own an iPhone/iPod touch? We've got an app for that--the Player One Podcast player app is available now. Play shows new and old, read show notes, access the show Twitter, website, email, voicemail line and more! Plus, you'll be able to access bonus audio and video content (soon, once we figure out what that is). Click here to download.Follow us on twitter at
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Running time: 1:10:18 This episode could use a review!
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