We talk about many things in this episode, but not Sly Cooper. That's right, this was supposed to be our Game Club episode on Sucker Punch's first PS2 endeavor but instead we rambled on about other things for an hour and a half so we decided to push it two more weeks. But we did talk about InFamous, Buzz Quiz TV, Wallace & Gromit Episode 1, Penny Arcade Episode 2, Punch Out, Prince of Persia, Sonic the Hedgehog iPhone and Pokemon Platinum, among others. (Prince of Persia spoilers start at 56:30 and run through 1:01:40.)Thanks for listening! Don't forget to visit our new web site at
www.playeronepodcast.com. You can leave us a voicemail by calling
713-893-8069 or you can send a comment via MP3 to our email address,
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