Polygon (MATIC) News & Thesis | Innovations from Web 2 coming to Web 3 | AirBNB of Web3, Gallery of Digital Assets, and More!
Mehdi's Portfolio Allocation (Not Financial Advice):
Jacob: @_cryptojacob
Mehdi: @MehdiFarooq2
0:00-0:38 - Token Metrics Intro
0:38-1:29 - Hidden Gems Intro
1:29-1:53 - Engaging with the audience
1:53-3:34 - Mehdi's reason for being Bullish on Polygon
3:34-6:51 - Polygon Investment Thesis
6:51-7:46 - Different Layers of Polygon L2
7:46-8:11 - Ethereum Settlement Layer
8:11-8:35 - Polygon Blockchain application ecosystem
8:35-9:24 - Polygon Web 2 partnerships
9:24-9:34 - Is Polygon cheap compared with SOL, BNB, DOT, AVAX?
10:01-11:17 - Engaging with the audience
11:17-13:12 - Mehdi Investment thesis reiteration on Polygon
13:12-13:52 - Mehdi answering questions
13:52-15:14 - Will the tide rise for Polygon if Ethereum goes up?
15:14-17:28 - What is the best price for Polygon? Is this the bottom for Polygon? Good to dollar cost average into Polygon now?
17:28-17:59 - Jacob mentions Polygon being a value play
17:59-19:04 - Mehdi using Token Metrics platform for Polygon TM grade
19:04-20:36 - Jacob discusses technical analysis & Fundamental grades of Polygon TM
20:36-21:46 - Is Polygon a better play than Cardano?
21:46-22:09 - Engaging with the audience
22:09-22:49 - Mehdi using Token Metrics platform for Cardano TM grade
22:49-23:30 - Mehdi discussion Token Metrics Indices
23:38-24:17 - Jacob Discussion on Top 3 Hidden Gem Projects
24:17-30:34 - 1)
earth6r.com : distributed housing collective
30:34-31:22 - Discussion with Mehdi on
31:22-33:24 - Discussion with the audience on
33:24-33:58 - Best projects are built in bear markets
34:13-37:48 - 2) Dework : Trello of web 3
37:48-39:02 - Mehdi discussion on Dework Venture Capitalists and Seed Round
39:02-39:46 - Jacob discusses Dework team
39:53-45:24 - 3) Goda : assisting traditional contemporary artists with membership NFT mint pass
45:24-47:07 - Mehdi and Jacob discussion on comparing Goda to Moon Birds and Proof Collective
47:07-49:41 - Engaging with the audience on Goda
49:41-54:38 - How Mehdi is allocating his crypto portfolio
54:38-55:15 - Time in the market beats timing the market
55:45-56:19 - Engaging with the audience
56:19-56:39 - Concluding Hidden Gems Show
56:39-57:30 - Why does Mehdi like Near?
57:30-57:53 - Engaging with the audience
57:53-58:03 - Wrap up of Hidden Gems Show
58:03-58:28 - Token Metrics Outro
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