"Please cheat, I don't care." Unlocks; Case Study (Mutazione & Later Alligator)
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Video Games
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Video Games
Visual Arts
Publication Date |
Feb 28, 2020
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This week, Stephen is crowned the new King of Transitions, Martha gets around to playing two games she'd been meaning to for awhile, and Mark briefly impersonates a saxophone.

Unlocks 0:06:19 Stephen McGregorGame Design

Stephen's Unlock Taxonomy:

  • Achievement-based: Do a thing, get unlock related to thing.
  • Experience-based: Play the game, get a thing based on how much you've played.
  • Loot-based: Play the game, get random thing.
  • Currency-based: Earn in-game currency, pick an unlock to purchase.
  • New Game Plus: Complete the game, get new content on second playthrough.
Case Study (Mutazione & Later Alligator) 0:39:26 Martha MegarryGame DesignGamingMutazioneLater Alligator We played though one of Martha's favorites in a previous video episode: Nice Plays: Pajama Sam 2 (1998)Dr. Katz - Wikipedia

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