As if the coronavirus hasn't caused enough damage, it also has investors feeling like they've been punched in the gut financially. Falling stock prices and interest rates have created a problem for both DB and DC pensions plans. The unfortunate thing about the coronavirus hitting at a time when most pensions are already underfunded, it almost certainly, will likely lead to more pension cuts as trouble grows in the economy. So the question that Robert Kiyosaki and his guests will be answering is, "What can I do?"In today's episode of the "5 Pension Time Bombs" series, Rich Dad Advisor Ken McElroy, explains how investing in a cash-flowing asset, like real estate, can provide not only tax-free wealth but also a real nest-egg for retirement no matter which way the stock market goes—up, down, or sideways. Listen as host Robert Kiyosaki and guests Ken McElroy and Ted Siedle discuss how financial education can lead to financial freedom even during uncertain times. For
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