Since we're taking the week off, we thought we'd share a recent Patreon episode. In this episode, Salmon Sierra talk about advice that has impacted them the most, then answer a letter about when it’s time to give up on a relationship.
Join us on Patreon for as little as $5/month and get an extra episode each week, a back catalog of 100+ episodes, and video!
FACEBOOK: /justbreakuppod
INSTAGRAM: @justbreakuppod
TWITTER: @justbreakuppod
Original music, recording, and editing by Spencer Wirth-Davis
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Learn more about your ad choices. Visit we're taking the week off, we thought we'd share a recent Patreon episode. In this episode, Salmon Sierra talk about advice that has impacted them the most, then answer a letter about when it’s time to give up on a relationship.
Join us on Patreon for as little as $5/month and get an extra episode each week, a back catalog of 100+ episodes, and video!
FACEBOOK: /justbreakuppod
INSTAGRAM: @justbreakuppod
TWITTER: @justbreakuppod
Original music, recording, and editing by Spencer Wirth-Davis
Advertise on Just Break Up!
Learn more about your ad choices. Visit we're taking the week off, we thought we'd share a recent Patreon episode. In this episode, Salmon Sierra talk about advice that has impacted them the most, then answer a letter about when it’s time to give up on a relationship.
Join us on Patreon for as little as $5/month and get an extra episode each week, a back catalog of 100+ episodes, and video!
FACEBOOK: /justbreakuppod
INSTAGRAM: @justbreakuppod
TWITTER: @justbreakuppod
Original music, recording, and editing by">Spencer Wirth-Davis
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