Parsha Terumah, the necessity of goals.
Publisher |
Rabbi Shalom Yemini
Media Type |
Publication Date |
Feb 07, 2019
Episode Duration |

This week's Parsha is Terumah.

This month's Parsha Perspective is sponsored by anonymous, may Hashem shower his family and the Jewish people with blessings of health happiness and children.

This month's Parsha Perspective is also sponsored by, Eliyahu Ohr Ben Chana in honor of Yud Shevat, the Rebbe and the work of Lubavitch worldwide, may Hashem give continued success to the all the Jewish people.

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Hashem commands the Jewish nation to build a Mishkan a sanctuary, which will be his dwelling place in this world.

The Jewish people donated all the materials needed for its extensive design, such as precious metals and gems, animal skins, spices and oils.

We find out why God wanted the Mishkan built. We learn the necessity of goals.

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