Parasite (2019) and Star Wars: Episode I: The Phantom Menace (1999) with Julia Grochowski
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TV & Film
Publication Date |
Jul 06, 2021
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Hello there! We bring back special guest Julia Grochowski to talk about two films: Bong Joon-Ho's scathing dark comedy masterpiece about late stage capitalism, Parasite, and George Lucas's Jar Jar Binks vehicle, Star Wars: Episode I: The Phantom Menace. Julia is not only a dyed-in-the-wool cinephile, but she ALSO has a Wookiepedic knowledge of all things Star Wars, so she is the perfect guest to get down to brass tacks about the prequel trilogy and how it is the same movie as the recent historic Oscar winner. And we actually stay on topic for the entire episode! Weesa thinken yousa liken this episode, bombad! This episode was recorded during a record heat wave in Canada, so this episode sounds sweatier than usual!  Find us on Twitter,  Instagram and  Letterboxd  @fromjustin2kane

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Artwork by Josh Holinaty:

Music by Doug Hoyer: 

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