Overcoming the First-Set Blues
Publisher |
BackBeat Media
Media Type |
Podknife tags |
Categories Via RSS |
Performing Arts
Publication Date |
Sep 05, 2022
Episode Duration |
set-blues-gg356.jpg?fit=750%2C750&ssl=1" class="webfeedsFeaturedVisual wp-post-image" alt="Overcoming the First-Set Blues — Gig Gab 356 episode image">

Quiet crowds can be intimidating AF! How do you navigate that? How do you perform? Paul and Dave talk through some of their strategies when faced with this. Then listen as your two favorite weekend warriors talk about bands navigating members who are in multiple projects. There’s no one right […]

The post Overcoming the First-Set Blues — Gig Gab 356 appeared first on Gig Gab.

Quiet crowds can be intimidating AF! How do you navigate that? How do you perform? Paul and Dave talk through some of their strategies when faced with this. Then listen as your two favorite weekend warriors talk about bands navigating members who are in multiple projects. There’s no one right answer here, and there are also plenty of wrong ones. Press play and join the Gig Gab family … and always be performing! 00:00:00 Gig Gab 356 – Monday, September 5th, 2022 Watching Victor Wooten & Soule Monde at Jimmy’s 00:04:09 stadium-london-england-3b0a5bb.html">Taylor Hawkins Tribute Show 00:15:18 Locking in with multi-gig runs 00:17:25 What’s the definition of a professional? Are you comfortable engaging a crowd that’s quiet? The Pork Tornadoes feedback@giggabpodcast.com 00:32:52 How do you navigate multiple projects? 00:55:05 GG 356 Outtro feedback@giggabpodcast.com
set-blues-gg356.jpg?fit=750%2C750&ssl=1" class="webfeedsFeaturedVisual wp-post-image" alt="Overcoming the First-Set Blues — Gig Gab 356 episode image">

Quiet crowds can be intimidating AF! How do you navigate that? How do you perform? Paul and Dave talk through some of their strategies when faced with this.

Then listen as your two favorite weekend warriors talk about bands navigating members who are in multiple projects. There’s no one right answer here, and there are also plenty of wrong ones.

Press play and join the Gig Gab family … and always be performing!

The post Overcoming the First-Set Blues — Gig Gab 356 appeared first on Gig Gab.

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