Ouija Board Stories that will make your board spin Eps.349
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Mar 12, 2023
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In this episode, we return to the mysticism of the Ouija board. What powers does it hold? Can it activate Poltergyst activity? We received an email that took us back to talking about the Ouija board and the feelings associated with it. It is one of the most requested topics we get emails about. Some of the stories we will be reading to you are. 

The open circle

When Vince, now 30, was a child, one of his friends goaded him into playing with an Ouija board in his basement. Young Vince didn’t expect anything unusual to happen, so he went along with it. Once they started to play, however, the lights began to flicker, the air around them grew cold, and a spirit began to communicate with them through the board. The spirit spelled out a Russian name and claimed he had been murdered.


“We took a break to make some pizza rolls,” Vince says, “but we forgot to close the circle when we were done.” (If you’re new to Ouija board stories, that’s a giant no-no!) “After returning to the basement, the energy was much heavier, and books and things were sprawled out on the floor.” And yet, the board remained perfectly still in the center of the room, just how they had left it. “Upon looking at a mirror that we had nearby, the eye of the Ouija board was moving sporadically in its reflection.”


Solo play

Most people play with a Ouija board in groups, or at least with one other person. But Ossiana wanted to try to use it on her own. She put her hands on the pointer and asked questions, but nothing happened. She took her hands off of the pointer and was about to put the game away when the planchette began to move around on its own. “I’ll never try that again,” says the 30-year-old from New Jersey.


A haunted housewarming

“The first time I used a Ouija board, I was about six or seven, and I was with my mom and older sister, who was about 15 at the time,” Paige, now 24, tells Reader’s Digest. The family had just moved to a new house, much bigger and much older than the one they lived in previously. That night, Paige, her mother, and her sister were eating pizza on the living room floor since they didn’t have all of their furniture set up yet, and they put on a fire to ease the chill of the fall air. After dinner, her sister pushed her mom to let them play with their old Ouija board

“As we were using it,” Paige recounts, “a box in the living room that had some books in it literally flew across the room.” Shortly after that, the fire inexplicably went out, and their mother was so shaken that she took the girls to their grandmother’s house to spend the night. If this story doesn’t convince you to skip the Ouija board and opt for one of these Halloween movies for kids instead, we don’t know what will!

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