Optimizing for convenience - Publication Date |
- Dec 14, 2022
- Episode Duration |
- 00:14:52
We’re in the middle of another major disruption in retail—one that’s been accelerated by the pandemic, and looks to take the convenience of e-commerce and apply it to physical environments. In this episode, we examine how AI is at the center of this transition.
We meet:
Prakhar Mehrotra, VP, Machine Learning, Walmart Global Tech
Jordan Fisher, Chief Executive Officer, Standard AI
Terrence Griffin, Quality Control Specialist, Standard AI
Suresh Kumar, Global Chief Technology Officer and CDO, Walmart
This episode was produced by Anthony Green and Emma Cillekens. It was edited by Jennifer Strong and Mat Honan and mixed by Garret Lang, with original music by Garret Lang and Jacob Gorski. Artwork by Stephanie Arnett.