I’ve been in kind of a funk lately. Leading up to the Livestream For The Cure, a number of my friends, some of them involved in the event, have been slapped by the evil bastard that is cancer. So I talk about that for a bit. Short show this time around. I originally didn’t intend to release this episode but changed my mind. Not a lot of laughs. To lighten things up I continue with my coverage of LFTC guest with this week’s featured podcast, Who Spiked The Puns?
http://odddadoutpodcast.com/odo-104Matt and Becky Heyman’s Cancer Catch-up:
https://www.gofundme.com/matt-beckys-cancer-catchupMatt Heyman from PreRecorded Live, has now been struck for the third time with cancer in under 10 years. After multiple surgeries and chemotherapy, his life has forever been upended. He and his wife Becky have not even begun to dig themselves out from the mountain of debt from the last fight when it showed up for the third
time.They can use all the help you can offer.Hello Cancer WTF- For Perry Johnson
https://www.gofundme.com/hello-cancer-wtf?member=137450Perry-Lindsay Johnson from Hello Life WTF and The PodStuff was recently diagnosed with an inoperable form of esophageal and stomach cancer. They have chosen to fight this cancer to the end and he has begun preparations for chemotherapy. This recent development only adds to the strain on this family. As the sole financial support in his family, Perry’s inability to work through treatment is that much more difficult for this family. Anything you can give will be greatly appreciated.