O Morning Star, splendor of light eternal and sun of righteousness,
Come and enlighten those who dwell in darkness and the shadow of death.
Today’s reading is Luke 1:67-79
Can I imagine, for just a moment, what it was like to be Zechariah? To know such good news, but unable to speak it or share it? I wonder what it was like to hold the angel Gabriel’s words inside his heart for nine months?
As soon as Zechariah’s voice came back, he began to sing praise to God. He had to tell everyone there how good and faithful God has always been. I wonder: are there any words of praise I want to say to God right now?
Zechariah sang, “His kindness will bring the rising sun to us from heaven. It will shine on those living in darkness and in the shadow of death.” I wonder: where do I need God’s kindness to shine for me right now? What dark places inside of me, or in my life, need warmth and light and truth?
Zechariah also sang that God’s light will guide our feet into paths of peace. I wonder why it is so hard for us to find those paths on our own? Where do I need to make peace right now? Can I ask God to guide me into the ways of peace?
We Wonder is written and hosted by Sarah Dahl; produced by Richard Clark; and engineered by Nick Thompson and Noah Kirby. You can keep in touch with us on Instagram and Twitter by following @wewonderpod, or read more at
wewonderpod.com. Thanks so much for listening, and I’ll see you tomorrow!