Allegra Frank really misses her sister.
Allegra is a former editor for Polygon, a writer, a podcaster, and senior editor at Slate, where she covers music, culture, and the internet. She also has a lot of fun over at Aw, Would You Look at the Time.
Here's some stuff we talked about:
Our Feelings
Unwinnable and Kill Screen, which Allegra read more than Polygon back in the day, no offense.
Kirby and the Forgotten Land reminds Allegra of time with her sister
Breathe of the Wild: a SIZZLING hot take
Elden Ring doesn't give a shit about you
Spelltower never gets old
Peggle 2 is like, "You're doing great, honey"
Animal Crossing has a quicker payoff than Stardew Valley
That one couple on Love is Blind needs to figure out their whole Rock Band situation
Elite Beat Agents will give you a boost if you need it
Allegra Frank really misses her sister.
Allegra is a former editor for Polygon, a writer, a podcaster, and senior editor at Slate, where she covers music, culture, and the internet. She also has a lot of fun over at Aw, Would You Look at the Time.
Here's some stuff we talked about:
Our Feelings
Unwinnable and Kill Screen, which Allegra read more than Polygon back in the day, no offense.
Kirby and the Forgotten Land reminds Allegra of time with her sister
Breathe of the Wild: a SIZZLING hot take
Elden Ring doesn't give a shit about you
Spelltower never gets old
Peggle 2 is like, "You're doing great, honey"
Animal Crossing has a quicker payoff than Stardew Valley
That one couple on Love is Blind needs to figure out their whole Rock Band situation
Elite Beat Agents will give you a boost if you need it
Allegra Frank really misses her sister.
Allegra is a former editor for Polygon, a writer, a podcaster, and senior editor at Slate, where she covers music, culture, and the internet. She also has a lot of fun over at Aw, Would You Look at the Time.
Here's some stuff we talked about: