National Conference of Bar Presidents 2022: The Well-Being Playing Field - Publication Date |
- Mar 01, 2022
- Episode Duration |
- 00:21:38
Promoting lawyer wellness is critical to the future of the profession, and bar associations are uniquely positioned to affect culture change within their communities. From the NCBP Virtual Midyear Meeting, Robin Wolpert hosts Bree Buchanan and Chris Newbold to discuss what bar leaders can do to support wellness efforts and help legal professionals prioritize both physical and mental health. As Board members for the Institute for Well-Being in the Law (IWIL), they also offer that IWIL can assist bar organizations -- free of charge -- to set up their wellness programs.
Robin Wolpert, JD, PhD is NCBP Treasurer and Executive Council member, Institute for Well-Being in Law Treasurer, and an attorney at Sapientia Law Group in Minneapolis.
Bree Buchanan is board president and acting executive director at the Institute for Well-Being in Law.
Chris Newbold is executive vice president at ALPS Lawyers Malpractice Insurance.