Today Good Moms are joined by the Founder of “My Little Yoni”, Ariel White. Together they discuss how early introductions to women’s magic gateways can combat toxic masculinity and why conversations about women’s anatomy can potentially change the way women view themselves and how boys and men view women and sex. Ariel talks how this super hero character emerged in her dreams and why she chose the cute unassuming character to bring to life and fight the “shame monsters” at such a critical time in society. Ariel also shares a personal story where a sexual encounter helped heal generational trauma.@mylittleyoniwww.mylttleyoni.comGet 15% off your My Little Yoni with Discount code: GMBC19@goodmoms_badchoicesJoin our Newsletterwww.goodmomsbadchoices.comREVIEW US on Apple Podcasts! For information regarding your data privacy, visit See for privacy and opt-out information.