@muteness11 - From Behind The Curtain Of A Shitcoin Company. #291
Publisher |
Daniel Prince
Media Type |
Categories Via RSS |
Publication Date |
Oct 19, 2022
Episode Duration |

BTC $ 19,173

Block Height 759,339 Today's guest on the show is @muteness11 who joins me to tell us what is really going on in Crypto Land from behind the curtain! Why did @muteness11 go behind enemy lines and how did he get himself there? What did he see that concerns him the most and why should all of your retail pleb frens listen to this episode? Can we ever defeat the wall of BS that surrounds these projects and how are the 'influencers' getting paid to trick their viewers and subscribers? There is so much to unpack in this episode and the wider crypto space, it's a real drain on society and the antithesis of #bitcoin. Please use this episode to educate yourselves and others about the problems we face and to build more conviction in #bitcoin! Thanks to @muteness11 for coming on the show and sharing everything he discovered! ALL LINKS HERE - https://linktr.ee/princey21m - GET UP IN MY LINKTREE IF YOU WANT TO OFFER PLEBS DISCOUNTS!

Pleb Service Announcement.

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SWAN BITCOIN www.swanbitcoin.com/bitten

RELAI www.relai.ch/bitten

SHIFTCRYPTO http://shiftcrypto.ch/bitten Code BITTEN COINCORNER https://www.coincorner.com/social/bitten

BITCOIN RESERVE - www.bitcoinreserve.com/bitten

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