Episode 13
The overwhelming success of top UFC fighters moving up a weight class - 3:08
Interview with John Nash - 12:55
Greg Hardy is co-headlining UFC Fort Lauderdale for some reason - 31:04
Ronda Rousey to headline WrestleMania - 35:48
Jimmy Smith bites into Chipotle burrito filled with staples - 40:15
Dustin Poirier to auction off UFC 236 fight gear to build playground for disabled children - 43:58
The Mookie & Crookie Show is a spinoff of The Level Change Podcast that goes a little more in-depth on major combat sports news, as well as takes a humorous look at the crazy world of combat sports social media. The show is hosted by Mookie Alexander and Stephie Haynes and airs every Monday.
***ANNOUNCEMENT: Starting next week, M & C is moving from Mondays at 2CST to Tuesdays at 2CST, so be sure to watch for us next Tuesday and keep on listening! This is a permanent schedule change.***
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*Intro/Outro music has been provided by OxBow, starring Eugene S. Robinson: