Miranda Macpherson: The Transforming Power of Ego Relaxation - Publication Date |
- Dec 06, 2022
- Episode Duration |
- 01:01:30
Many of us struggle to truly live what we believe spiritually. What if closing that gap wasn’t about trying harder, but something quite the opposite? "Through the practice of ego relaxation," teaches Miranda Macpherson, "we can stop trying to beat ourselves into spiritual shape and yield instead to an unshakable presence within."
In this episode of Insights at the Edge, Tami Simon speaks with Miranda about taking a more feminine approach to spiritual seeking and why that involves creating an atmosphere of unconditional love. Miranda explains ego relaxation, her unique process of letting go of all the qualities that maintain the illusion of being separate from the rest of existence. Considering the roles of trust and vulnerability on the spiritual path, Tami and Miranda discuss what it means to be a channeler of grace. Finally, Miranda leads us in a guided practice for discovering the mountainous presence already available in each moment.