Minute 87: Derivative, Referential, Horse-$#!%
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Oct 10, 2018
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Matt is fired up and Bill is the gasoline. Bill would like to watch things vaporize and Matt would like to watch Bill watch that. Matt has the “Kill Bill” T-shirts already printed and ready to go. Bill won’t move that bubble wrap. Matt is reduced to conducting breathing exercises while Bill recounts some cricketing anecdotes. The fellas agree that A.I. fosters unity. Bill gets fired up for just a moment about jersey number restrictions. Matt feels Williamson’s horse-shit viscerally. The PDB gets his treatment. Bill is so proud of his week’s old, Chachi Arcola reference. Williamson, simply doesn’t care. The boys wonder if John would want Ricky in the room during the “rat-out” process. Lemon astounds the fellas yet again with the skillful execution of his craft. Matt continues to be made nauseated by John Williamson. Bill brings a list of Mamet, tie-ups, and Matt says “No, thank you.” The fellas squabble over “Heat” for a spell. Bill shares with us a Pirandello offshoot, movie idea. Dean Martin gets the corral treatment. Bill is worried about Dean-o getting his “cool buzzed.” Bobby Glennister pops on by and Matt senses that he’s seconds from death. Finally, Steven Tyler gets cast, mostly because the fellas are literally losing their minds.

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