Mindful Monday: The Serenity of Sunrise - Starting Your Day Mindfully
Publisher |
Radio America
Media Type |
Podknife tags |
Publication Date |
Apr 29, 2024
Episode Duration |
In today’s Mindful Monday segment of 7 Good Minutes, we awaken to "The Serenity of Sunrise - Starting Your Day Mindfully." Experience the peace and promise of the early morning as we explore how to begin your day with intention and awareness. Join us as we delve into the tranquil moments of sunrise, offering tips and practices for greeting the day with mindfulness and gratitude. Learn how these early hours can set a positive tone for the rest of your day, impacting your mood, productivity, and interactions. Enjoy this journey into mindful awakening, and discover how to harness the serene energy of sunrise to cultivate a calm, focused, and fulfilling day ahead.Don't forget to subscribe, rate, and share it with a friend or two!-=-=-=-=-Subscribe to this YouTube channel:https://7goodminutes.com/subscribe

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