iPhone 12, ARM MacBook, AppleTV+ Free Year Ending
- Rene Ritchie unboxes his silver YouTube button
- Apple vs. Epic: Ridley Scott weighs in
- Apple announces new App Store guidelines
- Apple briefly approves adware app Schlayer twice
- Mariah Carey on AppleTV+ this Christmas
- What happens when AppleTV+'s free year is up?
- ARM MacBook will be announced 10/27? Rumors say either 12" Macbook or 13" MacBook Pro will be announced
- iPhone event coming September 8th or 10th? iPhone 12, Apple Watch 6, and iPad Air to be announced
- iPhones will be shipped six weeks late
- Apple Watch 6 will track blood oxygen
- Smaller Homepod coming
- iPad Air with TouchID coming
- Samsung Galaxy Z Fold 2 vs. Microsoft Duo
- iOS 13.7 Beta features app-free Apple/Google contact tracing
Picks of the Week
- Leo's Pick: Patrick Wardle's free security utilities
- Andy's Pick: Primephonic
- Rene's Pick: Jordan Harrod
- Lory's Pick: Horror Trivial Pursuit
Hosts: Leo Laporte, Andy Ihnatko, Rene Ritchie, and Lory Gil
Download or subscribe to this show at https://twit.tv/shows/macbreak-weekly.