This is the third week of Lent: just as Israel wandered in the desert for forty years, and Jesus fasted in the wilderness for forty days, we are still spending this season walking with Jesus toward the cross.
Today’s reading is from the gospel of John, chapter 15 verses 1 through 9.
I wonder how water and nutrients move through a vine and into its branches? I wonder how vines make their fruit grow?
I wonder if I can imagine being joined to Jesus, like a branch that grows out of a vine? I wonder how being that close to Jesus makes me feel?
I wonder if I ever feel disconnected, like a branch that has fallen to the ground? I wonder if it’s hard to believe, sometimes, that I can be filled with Jesus’ life? What do I want to say to God about that?
I wonder what fruit Jesus is slowly growing in me right now? Can I ask God to help me see the ordinary ways that I show his love and life to the people around me?
I wonder what it feels like to rest and remain in Jesus’ love? Can I sit quietly, and imagine Jesus’ love moving through me, like the sap from a vine?
Jesus, you are the vine and we are the branches. Forgive us when we forget that, and try to grow and live on our own. Fill us with your eternal life, so that your fruit of love and grace can grow in our lives and feed your world.
In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit.
We Wonder is written and hosted by me, Sarah Dahl, and is produced by Richard Clark. Did you know there’s a craft for today’s episode? Head over to wonder to find out how you can support this podcast with a monthly membership and get access to the crafts and other special perks.