Making Sense Of War Crimes Committed By Loved Ones
Publisher |
WNYC Studios
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News & Politics
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Daily News
News Commentary
Publication Date |
Mar 22, 2022
Episode Duration |

When propaganda shapes our worldview, it makes it easier to commit atrocities under false pretenses.

On Today's Show:Last week in a video addressed to the Russian people, former California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger talked about how his father was "broken" after fighting in Hitler's Nazi army. Listeners called in to talk about their family members who were lured into fighting wars, or committed wartime atrocities, because of lies their governments told them.

When propaganda shapes our worldview, it makes it easier to commit atrocities under false pretenses. On today's show, listeners called in to talk about their family members who were lured into fighting wars, or committed wartime atrocities, because of lies their governments told them.

When propaganda shapes our worldview, it makes it easier to commit atrocities under false pretenses. On today's show, listeners called in to talk about their family members who were lured into fighting wars, or committed wartime atrocities, because of lies their governments told them.

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