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Magnetometry on the Lagash Project (Archaeotech 191) - Ep 206
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Publication Date |
Feb 19, 2023
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 Chris is sick this week and needs to let his voice rest so we are playing a really awesome episode of Archaeotech with Chris and his co-host Paul Zimmerman. Recently an article came out in CNN featuring the work that the team Paul is part of is doing in Iraq, so it was the perfect opportunity to talk about that article and play the episode that they recorded a couple months ago about how they use Magnetometry at Lagash.





 Chris is sick this week and needs to let his voice rest so we are playing a really awesome episode of Archaeotech with Chris and his co-host Paul Zimmerman. Recently an article came out in CNN featuring the work that the team Paul is part of is doing in Iraq, so it was the perfect opportunity to talk about that article and play the episode that they recorded a couple months ago about how they use Magnetometry at Lagash. Links * Archaeologists find 5,000-year-old tavern -- including food remains -- in Iraq [] * Magnetometry on the Lagash Project - Archaeotech 191 [] * Geophysics in the Middle East with Marco Wolf - ArchaeoTech 192 [] * In the Field with the Lagash Archaeological Project, Iraq - TAS [] Contact * Chris Webster * Rachel Roden RachelUnraveled (Instagram) [] ArchPodNet * APN Website: [] * APN on Facebook: * APN on Twitter: * APN on Instagram: * Tee Public Store [] Affiliates * Wildnote [] * TeePublic [] * Timeular [] * Motion []

 Chris is sick this week and needs to let his voice rest so we are playing a really awesome episode of Archaeotech with Chris and his co-host Paul Zimmerman. Recently an article came out in CNN featuring the work that the team Paul is part of is doing in Iraq, so it was the perfect opportunity to talk about that article and play the episode that they recorded a couple months ago about how they use Magnetometry at Lagash.





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