Today’s Episode Is Sponsored By iSpire
Today’s episode is sponsored by the iSpire Wand. Welcome to the dabbing revolution. The wand is a sleek, portable eNail dab kit which is the first-ever eNail to use induction heating. It gives you the power to select your desired temperature for the perfect dabbing experience every time.
The Wand, combined with borosilicate glass bangers creates a safe and easy dabbing experience by eliminating the need for a torch along with the wires and coils found with other eNails. By using borosilicate glass bangers with an induction heating method, the Wand is able to precisely heat the banger to your desired temperature. Once it is at the perfect dabbing temperature, place the concentrate in one of our borosilicate glass bangers and take the perfect hit. Learn more at
Welcome to Episode 162 of the Mom and Dad are Stoned Podcast
Today we discuss tolerance. Not the kind you must-have for your fellow human, the kind that involves taking a break from our beloved cannabis in order to feel the glorious potent effects of THC once again. We answer a great listener letter from a long-time podcast listener, head over to libation corner, and check in on Dave's grow. Grab your favorite bong, vaporizer, dab rig, or whatever (unless you are taking a tolerance break) and enjoy the show!
Hey, want to try some legal CBD concentrates? Try some of our concentrates from our very own Happy Flower Company. Head over to our shop here. Podcast listeners can use code MADAS15 for 15% off their purchases. We sell hemp flower, accessories, concentrates, topicals, and more! All grown indoor here in beautiful Colorado by us.
Keep those Listener Letters coming in! ! Send in your listener letters to! Share your cannabis story, ask your stoner questions, or request some good old-fashioned advice from a mom and dad stoner. We’ll field your questions on cannabis, growing, cbd, relationships, parenting, us, you, whatever. We’ll look up the answers, stoned! Again, that’s!
Have a grow related question? Send those in to us as well!
Follow Kathryn on Instagram and twitter @thestonermom
Follow Blavid on Instagram @whatsgoingonindavesgrow
Follow Happy Fower Company on Instagram @happyflowerhemp
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