Today’s Episode Is Sponsored By Hara Flow
Hara Flow carries a wide range of broad-spectrum CBD products including tinctures, soft gels, topicals, and gummies, all containing zero THC but packed with cannabinoids and terpenes. With Hara Flow you can reap the healing benefits of cannabis without the phycoactive high.
Remember, CBD is non psycoactive, non addictive, has minimal side effects, and can be used safely by most adults, children, and animals. Join me and the thousands of people using CBD every day by visiting
Welcome to Episode 158 of the Mom and Dad are Stoned Podcast
Welcome to Mom and Dad are Stoned! We all love to be entertained while imbibing, and while there are countless stoner movies out there, sometimes you want something with a little more substance than watching corny stoner jokes. In today's episode, we share some of our favorites and introduce you to an unhinged pretend police officer we love to watch be a maniac. So grab your wizard bong and get ready to sesh with us.
As always, this episode is sponsored by Happy Flower Company. We grow our own ultra-premium, cannabinoid-rich hemp flower grown by us! Use code MADAS15 for 15% off your order. Soon we will be expanding our shop to include more accessories and new strains!
Keep those Listener Letters coming in! ! Send in your listener letters to! Share your cannabis story, ask your stoner questions, or request some good old-fashioned advice from a mom and dad stoner. We’ll field your questions on cannabis, growing, cbd, relationships, parenting, us, you, whatever. We’ll look up the answers, stoned! Again, that’s!
Have a grow related question? Send those in to us as well! Don't forget to check out the latest grow video on What's Going On In Dave's Grow?
Follow Kathryn on Instagram and twitter @thestonermom
Follow Blavid on Instagram @whatsgoingonindavesgrow
Follow Happy Fower Company on Instagram @happyflowerhemp
Join our facebook community @happyflowerhempcompany