Don't forget to check out our online hemp flower shop Happy Flower Company. Our new strains are in the shop and we have the highest amount of cannabinoids packed into flavorful and potent hemp flower. All grown indoors using organic methods. Visit the store here. Use code MADAS15 for 15% off your purchase.
Welcome to episode 149 of the Mom and Dad are Stoned podcast
This is the last podcast of the year! We are excited to start fresh in a new (and hopefully improved) year but wanted to take a moment to reflect on our favorite things in 2020. We hope you enjoy the podcast and remember to keep your emails coming in! We have a lot of big plans for 2021 and are excited to share them with you.
A big thank you to everyone who supports our show. Now, on with the podcast!
Send in your letters to! Share your cannabis story, ask your stoner questions, or request some good old fashioned advice from a mom and dad stoner. We’ll field your questions on cannabis, growing, cbd, relationships, parenting, us, you, whatever. We’ll look up the answers, stoned! Again, that’s!
Follow Kathryn on Instagram and twitter @thestonermom
Follow Blavid on Instagram @whatsgoingonindavesgrow
Follow Happy Fower Company on Instagram @happyflowerhemp
Join our facebook community @happyflowerhempcompany