Publishing podcast episodes is best done with a routine, that's why we shared ours. Todd and Mike touch on some podcasting events, many virtual that are coming up soon. Blubrry also has some important things coming up, including a new service. And we're hoping you'll participate in our Ask Blubrry segment starting soon with Shawn Thorpe. We've once again recorded this episode live on Facebook and then published the finalized episode.
Live recording of this episode.
Thanks for joining us this episode of Podcast Insider. Looking to be a guest on the show? Let us know.
Recorded live from two well-separated and socially distant podcast studios in Michigan, here’s a Podcast Insider show LIVE.
Podapalozza: A virtual event, that features pay what you can, benefiting COVID-19. Learn more here.
NAB Show Express: Replacing the canceled in person event, this virtual event will occur mid May. This competes with the Outlier event we'll be speaking at as well. If possible - make it to both!
Podcast Inc. has moved to November as opposed to this spring. Get your ticket here.
Open job at Spotify: Head of Podcast Editorial.
Mic recommendations and other things, from Podcast Movement.
Apple is nearing 1 million podcasts in their directory!! According to Daniel J. Lewis, thanks!
Best Practice:
Workflow for publishing an episode. Do you have a checklist? Below, is the process we use. Following the same checklist will ensure your show gets out every time.
Example Workflow Checklist:
Prepare talking points
Produce mp3 (media) file
Create a blog post. Title the post (episode) and write the blog post content or “show notes”.
Upload the mp3 file in the Podcast Episode Box in the post editor.
Set any extra tags and categories for the post. (right sidebar and under the media file link after uploading).
Publish the blog post. (clear cache)
Verify episode plays in the post. Make sure it plays and is the correct time duration.
Validate the feed at
Make sure you get the episode in your podcast app of choice within an hour or so. (Apple Podcasts or Google Podcasts is best for making sure). Subscribe to your own podcast. Directories and most apps take up to 24 hours to update with new episodes.
Blubrry News:
Blubrry monthly newsletter went out yesterday
AWS Marketplace for Pro Hosting
More new stuff coming!
Some updates to PowerPress as we tweak the episode publisher
New segment for this podcast starting soon. Get your Questions in for Ask Blubrry with Shawn Thorpe (Replacing the PowerPress tip of the week). Email and put “Ask Blubrry” in the subject line
Evangeline Hemrick - Inside the Healing Room and Scared to SACRED
Redirecting an RSS feed: The OLD feed to the NEW feed (do this before getting rid of the old feed) and leave it in place for 30 days. is the only updated and maintained podcast specific feed validator out there and it's recommended by Apple. Others will give you false “errors”.
“Can Blubrry get my show on xxxx?” Yes, if that place takes RSS feeds, you can put your show on that app/directory. Learn more here.
Things you should learn about your podcast to help when there are issues.
RSS feed address
Logins and passwords to any/all accounts (website, web Hosting platform, FTP, podcast hosting and anything else you use for your podcast publishing)
Apple ID email
Apple Listing address
Connect with Evangeline here...
Apple listing
Promo code INSIDER for a free month at
Coming at you this week from two very separate podcast studios in Michigan. Produced by the Blubrry Pro-Production team.
Schedule a one-on-one with Todd (hosting customers only) Email
Schedule a tech checkup with Mike (hosting customers only) Email
Send us your podcast sticker and a self-address stamped e...