In this Brexiting Age the UK must turn its thoughts once again worldwide – how does one do business around the world? How important is localisation vs globalisation? What role does culture play? Aneesh Varma is the founder of Aire, one of Fintechs longest-standing credit-rating firms who have scored over $10bn of VAR to date. […]
In this Brexiting Age the UK must turn its thoughts once again worldwide – how does one do business around the world? How important is localisation vs globalisation? What role does culture play? Aneesh Varma is the founder of Aire, one of Fintechs longest-standing credit-rating firms who have scored over $10bn of VAR to date. […]
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In this Brexiting Age the UK must turn its thoughts once again worldwide – how does one do business around the world? How important is localisation vs globalisation? What role does culture play? Aneesh Varma is the founder of Aire, one of Fintechs longest-standing credit-rating firms who have scored over $10bn of VAR to date. Having lived in 11 countries and had businesses in 4, Aneesh knows more than most on this topic.
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Aneesh was awarded the British Council’s 2009 Young Entrepreneur.and was nominated for the European Commission’s Entrepreneur of the Year 2014.
Having lived in so many places and self-described as a “3rd culture citizen” he is well placed (ha! see what I did there :-D) to give us some perspective on important 21stC issues of identity, culture and migration and in particular how they affect business and Fintech.
Topics discussed on the show include:
- Aneesh’s connection to Charlie Delingpole, last episode’s guest
- what is a 3rd culture citizen?
- Aneesh’s moves round the world ending up with now 14yrs in the UK
- why immigration is such a hot potato – super-rapid, huge increase in population and lack of this being evenly spread
- how badly it has been managed – despite 6.5m new immigrants in recent 15-20yrs there is a developer shortage :-O
- immigrant means someone from 99% of humanity – un-generalisable
- “Aire’s aim is to show that a global company can be built out of the UK”
- Aneesh’ US experiences in seeing how globalisation can have a negative effect on some communities (eg Steel in Pennsylvania)
- Aneesh’ 11 countries
- fitting in versus standing out – sheep, goats – entrepreneurs as goats
- being a nomad as a child – what’s that like?
- Aneesh’ first business in Japan when he was 16
- His interest in branding and what it means – culture, values
- his book on Aire’s culture, branding and values – the importance of establishing these
- Aristotle and ethics
- Aneesh’ second business building a browser – lessons learned
- Why strategy is important. What is it?
- Culture and strategy – how do they relate?
- The postmodern/multicultural dilemma – culture is the glue – you need a common glue to create a society at large – or a business at the smallest scale
- Bankruptcy and culture as an example – US vs UK attitudes
- Multiculturalism as ever-present – Disraeli’s two nations as an example, and hence his approach of binding them together with the glue or patriotism; ditto businesses – salesmen and traders have always had different cultures
- Aneesh’s third business (ecommerce) split between UK and China – the cultural challenges of that and differences of attitude
- China and business culture and the challenges of UK companies succeeding
- US and business culture and the challenges of UK companies succeeding
- Aire needs to succeed in the US
- Aneesh’ prima facies for succeeding in the US
- localisation and globalisation – highly-localising businesses versus highly one-size-fits-all tech globalising
- “in Fintech the Fin part is much stronger and therefore lots of localisation is required”
- Toyota’s Genchi Genbutsu principle – get to he factory floor, get into the countryside of the US – don’t just fly in and out of hotels and meetings rooms
- more reflections on US success recipes
- explanation of Aire’s raison d’etre and goals as a modern credit bureau – meeting between people and companies
- Aire giving control of credit back to people – this being good for the people as well as leading to a better rating
- Aire’s global plans and interaction with consumers
And much much more
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