Better late than never... Right?!? Kyland Young from Big Brother 23 finally joins The MiscELENAeous Podcast and it was too good to only be one episode... so, y’all get two!In Part One, they chat about Kyland’s future ASMR career, pretty privilege, living without regret, and then some. It’s very MiscELENAeous!In Part Two, things get juicy... Elena gets the answers to allllll of the questions that y’all submitted.....two months ago when she originally teased Kyland’s episode!! We find out about his BB experience, how he reallyyyy feels about eating soap, if him and Tiffany have a Post-Showmance, his entire dental regimen, and the EPIC experience he had at The World’s Largest Honky Tonk! Well, THAT... and so much more!Sponsor:Get 20% off your first order by using promo code Miscelenaeous at