Kiwi Aliens conquer I-Tunes and YouTube - Categories Via RSS |
- Arts
- Publication Date |
- Oct 11, 2020
- Episode Duration |
- 00:11:21
It's the biggest hit New Zealand movie you've probably not heard of unless you've been looking in the right direction. It's called Alien Addiction and it's Number One on the New Zealand I-Tunes chart, also the YouTube movies chart - not just here but in Australia too. Is writer-director Shae Sterling the new Peter Jackson? And what does it actually mean being Number One on the Itunes and Youtube charts these days? Alien Addiction also went to Number Six in the States. It's been an official selection at the Sci-Fi London Festival, official selections and opening night features at both the Other Worlds Austin Festival in Texas and the Boston Sci-Fi Film Festival. It's also won several awards, including Best Picture at the Florence Film Awards, Best Picture at the Gelos Film Festival and Best First-Time Director at the Kosice Film Festival. Clearly the market for full-on, gross-out, sci-fi comedy is voracious - and writer-director-editor-cameraman Shae Stirling is ready to fill it. Simon Morris talks to music video king Shae about aliens and working with rock stars.