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Julian Brave NoiseCat on the Green New Deal, Changing Climate Policy, and Much More | Plus Conversations on National Security in a Climate Crisis and the Oregon GOP Walkout
Podcast |
The Climate Pod
Publisher |
The Climate Pod
Media Type |
Categories Via RSS |
Earth Sciences
News Commentary
Publication Date |
Mar 04, 2020
Episode Duration |

This week, we talk to Julian Brave NoiseCat about a variety of climate issues. He tell us about his journey to the climate movement, how the Green New Deal developed, how the Democratic Primary process has influenced climate policy, and how the experience of Indigenous communities should help inform our adaptation to the climate crisis.

Plus, The Hill's Rebecca Klar discusses a recent study that examines some of the national security concerns that we face as global temperatures warm.

And returning guest Chad The Bird interviews climate activist Brian Ettling about the GOP walkout in Oregon. What the hell is going on there?

As always, follow us @climatepod on Twitter and email us at Our music is "Gotta Get Up" by The Passion Hifi, check out his music at Rate, review and subscribe to this podcast on iTunes, Spotify, Stitcher, and more!

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Further Reading:

THE FINGERPRINTS OF THE GREEN NEW DEAL ARE ALL OVER THE CLEAN FUTURE ACT by Julian Brave NoiseCat, Leah C. Stokes and Narayan Subramanian

Report warns climate change could become 'catastrophic' global, national security threat by Rebecca Klar

Oregon Republicans are subverting democracy by running away. Again. by David Roberts

Rising Sea Levels, Coastal Erosion: New Report Says Half the World's Sandy Beaches at Risk From Climate Change By 2100 by Frank Jordans

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