Juicy Scoop - Ep - 154 - Heather Hangs With the Entire Cast of RHONY
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Society & Culture
Publication Date |
Aug 03, 2017
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After a perilous drive through the wilderness of New York, in which Heather was almost impaled by a suicidal dear, she finally makes it up to the Hamptons and is welcomed with opens arms by the Real Housewives of New York who were impressed with her grit, say-it-like-it-is Gary Busey attitude, and how she manages to look so stylish in spite of Peter's legendary thriftiness and fondness for swap meets and garage sales. Plus, Heather has an amazing "Serial Dater" update! Heather and her Juicy Scoopers have literally driven this "Serial Dater" out of his South Bay hunting grounds and onto a sparsely populated desert island.

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