Journals of the Whilling - Visionaries and Doctor Aphra - Publication Date |
- May 12, 2017
- Episode Duration |
- 01:01:43
Hey everyone! Steve and Kyle are back with another round of Star Wars from the printed page! This week, we take a look at: Star Wars Visionaries, a collection of really neat expanded universe stories that offer a couple of great glimpses of some of our favorite characters. We also look at some of the new Marvel Star Wars comics, including a closer look at the ever-popular Doctor Aphra series. So what are you waiting for? Hit play above and get a quick overview on a really neat book that should be in your collection! If you haven’t already, please subscribe to our show in iTunes and be sure to leave us a review. It’s shocking how much they help! As always, send your questions and feedback to at kyle, or on your social media network of choice! Visit the Star Wars Commonwealth, and follow Talk Star Wars,