Heyo friends! This week on Journals of the Whilling, we crack in to the Art of Rogue One, by Josh Kushins. It goes without saying, but this is a gorgeous book with many insights in to Rogue One. Before we get in to that, we answer a voicemail from a very special listener. What did he want? Our recommendations on the best books of the new Star Wars canon. Steve and I had a lot of fun with that, and if you’ve listened to JotW before, you probably have a good idea of where this is headed! If you haven’t already, please subscribe to our show in iTunes and be sure to leave us a review. It’s shocking how much they help! As always, send your questions and feedback to at
kyle@tumbingsaber.com, or on your social media network of choice! Be sure to visit the Star Wars Commonwealth, and follow our friends Talk Star Wars [...]