**A quick note for parents & grownups:** Yesterday, we read Mark chapter 6, verses 1 through 13; today we are skipping ahead just a little bit to Mark 6, chapter 30. We're going to pass over the story of John the Baptist's death. It's an important part of Jesus's story, but it can also be scary for some of our younger listeners — especially when read aloud on its own. As your children's primary spiritual caregivers, I wanted to give you the freedom to discern how much your children are ready to hear. The important thing for readers of all ages to know is that King Herod puts John the Baptist in prison and has him killed, and Jesus must know that things are going to get dangerous for him, too. So we will watch him and see what he does: does he go home and stop preaching, or does he move into the danger, and keep doing God's work?
And for those of you with older children, I'll put the reading and some wondering questions up on Instagram so you can read and talk about it together!
Mark 6:30-44
I wonder how the disciples felt, as they gathered back with Jesus and told him about all they had done: the sick people they had healed, the words they had preached, and the evil spirits who had been driven away. Were they excited? Proud? Maybe tired and ready for a rest?
How does Jesus's face look to me, as I imagine him listening to his friends tell about all they have done in his name?
I wonder why Jesus wanted to take them to a quiet place where they could rest, instead of sending them right back out again?
Can I imagine the crowds making their way around the shores of the lake, chasing in the direction of the boat carrying Jesus and his disciples?
I wonder how the disciples felt, when their boat landed and instead of a quiet resting place they found a large crowd?
Can I imagine Jesus's face, as he looked at the large crowd that wanted so badly to see him?
I wonder why Jesus began to teach them right then, even though it was almost dinnertime, and his disciples were tired and hungry?
Jesus took the bread and fish his disciples had, gave thanks, broke it, and then passed it around. There was more than enough for everyone. Can I think of another time bread is broken, and passed around? I wonder how Jesus has enough, and is enough, to feed every person who comes to him?
Are there any words, or pictures, or moments from this story that I want to ask God about right now?
Are there any words, or pictures, or moments from this story that I want to take with me and hold close?
🙏🏾 PRAY:
Jesus of Nazareth, son of God: thank you that we have a book filled with your words and deeds. Give us the wisdom and understanding that comes from your Holy Spirit, so that we can know you better and follow you all the days of our lives. In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit, Amen.
💌 Keep in touch!
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sarah@wewonderpod.com Thanks so much for listening, and I'll see you tomorrow!