Matthew 2:1-12
In Epiphany we see that Jesus is God, come to live among us. We watch Jesus to see what God’s glory and character are like. And during Epiphany, we see that Jesus is not someone hidden away, for only the good people or the right people to find. Jesus is the light that bursts into our world, shining with God’s glory and love for everyone.
I wonder what the wise men saw in the light of that star that captured their hearts so that they followed it on such a long journey?
I wonder what the wise men saw in the face of the child Jesus that brought them to their knees?
Have I ever felt the light of God’s love shine on me so powerfully that I wanted to kneel, or give gifts, or sing with joy? Can I ask God, right now, to help me see that love in Jesus’ face?
The gospel of John tells us that in Jesus, God’s light is shining in the darkness and the darkness cannot put it out. Where do I need to see God’s light and love shining today? Do I need that light in my heart? In my thoughts? In my family? In my school?
Can I believe that Jesus shines God’s love into the world, and that the light of that love will never go out even in the darkest, saddest places? What do I want to say to God about that?
God of peace, in the name of Jesus who came as the light of the world,
We pray that your light will shine in the world and the darkness will not overcome it.
God, in your love, hear our prayer.
God of hope, in the name of Jesus whose first crib was the animals’ feed trough,
We pray for everyone who does not have a warm place to sleep or enough food to eat. Please provide, and use our offerings and our lives to share your love.
God, in your love, hear our prayer.
God of joy, in the name of Jesus who came to live among us, light up our hearts and our lives, so that we will be full of your life.
God, in your love, hear our prayer.
In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, Amen.
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