Is ‘Health at Every Size’ Ridiculous? with Kenzie Brenna - Publication Date |
- Oct 28, 2021
- Episode Duration |
- 00:56:20
If you want to lose weight, dieting does NOT have to be the option. We’re now looking through a different lens.
When Kenzie Brenna first posted to Instagram back in 2015, her goal was diet accountability, not social media fame. When her hashtag #CelluliteSaturday went viral, Brenna realized the power of her platform and is dedicated to documenting the reality behind the social media sparkle.
Now, she celebrates body love at any size.
Now, she holds space for really big, beautiful conversations, and taboo topics for every kind of woman.
Now, she uses her struggle with an eating disorder and body image issues to educate others.
And today, Kenzie Brenna is sharing ALL the juicy details about:
💕 How her journey of self-acceptance started on social media (and grew into a podcast!)
💕 Showing up authentically online
💕 The real implications of weight stigma
💕 Surviving a pandemic break up (especially as an extrovert during lockdown).
💕 Finding what works for YOU (because there’s not one path!)
Ready to dive in!?