Is a Digital Course Your Future? Let Amy Porterfield's Quiz Decide
Podcast |
The Poddy Report
Publisher |
Krystal Proffitt
Media Type |
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How To
Publication Date |
Aug 07, 2023
Episode Duration |

Ever wondered if a digital course is your next big step? Well, we've got a treat for you! I'm walking through Amy Porterfield's new digital course quiz that could help you decide if your content is suitable for a digital course and what that might look like. Take the two-minute quiz here:'s not just a quiz but also an opportunity to learn from a seasoned pro. Get a sneak peek into how Amy sets up landing pages and designs her quizzes. This speedy, straightforward quiz is for anyone contemplating creating and monetizing their courses. After completing the quiz, you'll receive the next steps and bonus resources to guide you further. So gear up, let's keep it fresh, keep it fun, and let's learn from one of the best in the business!

Ever wondered if a digital course is your next big step? Well, we've got a treat for you! I'm walking through Amy Porterfield's new digital course quiz that could help you decide if your content is suitable for a digital course and what that might look like. Take the two-minute quiz here: quiz.It's">'s not just a quiz but also an opportunity to learn from a seasoned pro. Get a sneak peek into how Amy sets up landing pages and designs her quizzes. This speedy, st...

Ever wondered if a digital course is your next big step? Well, we've got a treat for you! I'm walking through Amy Porterfield's new digital course quiz that could help you decide if your content is suitable for a digital course and what that might look like. Take the two-minute quiz here:'s not just a quiz but also an opportunity to learn from a seasoned pro. Get a sneak peek into how Amy sets up landing pages and designs her quizzes. This speedy, straightforward quiz is for anyone contemplating creating and monetizing their courses. After completing the quiz, you'll receive the next steps and bonus resources to guide you further. So gear up, let's keep it fresh, keep it fun, and let's learn from one of the best in the business!

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