Eno interviews Chris Langin, the Director of Pitching at Driveline Baseball. They discuss whether this season’s rule changes will impact pitchers’ preparations, and they also delve into the process behind the creation of unique pitch shapes. Eno and Al then discuss some fantasy-relevant perspectives to take away from the interview.
0:46 Eno introduces his interview with Chris Langin
2:21 Chris talks about how pitchers prepare to throw at Driveline
5:52 Chris discusses Driveline’s approach to addressing the rule changes
13:35 Chris explains the process pitchers undertake to create new pitch shapes
21:30 How important is it for pitchers to create unique pitch shapes?
30:35 Chris talks about working with pitchers on command
34:47 Chris addresses some recent trends in pitchers’ arsenals
39:21 Eno and Al discuss some fantasy takeaways from the interview
Follow Eno on Twitter: @enosarris
Follow Al on Twitter: @almelchiorBB
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