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Innovation as a Service
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Oct 20, 2022
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Great innovations don't come along every day. And, usually, these ideas can't be fully realized unless the right conditions are met. Funding needs to be available, key players need to have free time, and resources need to be ready to go if any new solution or technology is to have a chance of getting off the ground. And, traditionally, chance is precisely what it came down to.

But now there's a new way to innovate. A method that doesn't rely on Goldilocks conditions for any hope of success. It's innovation for the 21st century. It's innovation as a service.

In this episode of Financial Futures, we explore innovation as a service (IaaS) and learn how this structured and methodical approach to innovation is helping financial institutions accelerate their GTM strategies for new solutions and making innovation equitable. We'll discuss how IaaS works, plus we'll learn where the need for rapid innovation has come from and why the traditional approach to innovating is no longer enough when it comes to ideating and creating new offerings.

Join us as we learn about the innovations that are already helping institutions to remain competitive with a little help from vice presidents of Impact Ventures at FIS, Adrian Sturley, and Jason Williams.

We'll also ask:

  • How is IaaS bridging the gap between fiat and cryptocurrency?
  • Why is speed critical when it comes to delivering innovation?
  • How does innovation work in an "as a service" model?
  • What does the future of innovation look like?
  • How do organizations identify when to stop, implement and abandon innovation?
  • What does the IaaS process look like?
Great innovations don't come along every day. And, usually, these ideas can't be fully realized unless the right conditions are met. But now there's a new way to innovate. A method that doesn't rely on Goldilocks conditions for any hope of success - it's innovation as a service. In this episode of Financial Futures, we explore innovation as a service (IaaS) and learn how this structured and methodical approach to innovation is helping financial institutions accelerate their GTM strategies for new solutions and making innovation equitable. Join us as we learn about the innovations that are already helping institutions to remain competitive with a little help from vice presidents of Impact Ventures at FIS, Adrian Sturley, and Jason Williams.

Great innovations don't come along every day. And, usually, these ideas can't be fully realized unless the right conditions are met. Funding needs to be available, key players need to have free time, and resources need to be ready to go if any new solution or technology is to have a chance of getting off the ground. And, traditionally, chance is precisely what it came down to.

But now there's a new way to innovate. A method that doesn't rely on Goldilocks conditions for any hope of success. It's innovation for the 21st century. It's innovation as a service.

In this episode of Financial Futures, we explore innovation as a service (IaaS) and learn how this structured and methodical approach to innovation is helping financial institutions accelerate their GTM strategies for new solutions and making innovation equitable. We'll discuss how IaaS works, plus we'll learn where the need for rapid innovation has come from and why the traditional approach to innovating is no longer enough when it comes to ideating and creating new offerings.

Join us as we learn about the innovations that are already helping institutions to remain competitive with a little help from vice presidents of Impact Ventures at FIS, Adrian Sturley, and Jason Williams.

We'll also ask:

  • How is IaaS bridging the gap between fiat and cryptocurrency?
  • Why is speed critical when it comes to delivering innovation?
  • How does innovation work in an "as a service" model?
  • What does the future of innovation look like?
  • How do organizations identify when to stop, implement and abandon innovation?
  • What does the IaaS process look like?

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