Iceland and the Surprising Science of Turning CO2 into Rock - Publication Date |
- Jul 19, 2019
- Episode Duration |
- 00:56:13
Imagine we overcame the many obstacles and successfully built the giant infrastructure that would be needed to directly capture billions of tons of CO2 back out of the air each year. You might reasonably think that we would have then completely solved the problem. But there’s one big question mark that would still be lingering in the air:
Where exactly are we going to safely store all of this carbon dioxide?
After all, it’s a gas! if you put it in the ground, it’s going to want to come back up.
That’s where an ingenious experiment underway in Iceland called Carbfix comes into play. Nestled among volcanic mountains, a team of scientists are hard at work experimenting with turning large amounts of CO2 into rock.
Is this the new alchemy? Or a genuine solution that could end up helping us solve climate change?
Listen to this, our final episode in our series on negative emissions, to find out!